We believe in the future of agriculture and we know it takes time to build capital and credit history.
We take extra steps to help you get started by offering first time farmer loans to producers and potential producers in the Panhandle and South Plains. We also believe in tradition. As a co-operative owned by our stockholder-borrowers, we know farming and ranching are difficult and we’ve seen what it takes to create a successful operation. Our mission is to keep the tradition of farming and ranching going, which is why we support ag producers who are just starting out or have only been in the field for a short time. We also help those running small operations, especially families who are the heart of our industry.
What Is a First Time Farmer Loan?
As a stockholder of the Farm Credit System, Plains Land Bank has the resources to help farmers and ranchers that may not have the backing to build upon their dreams right away.
Established by the Farm Credit Act of 1971, the Young, Beginning & Small (YBS) Loan Program was born and Plains Land Bank created programming to assist a new generation of producers. Financing was also secured in order to keep small farms alive, many of which have been in existence for decades.
Today, that support remains available for all three categories:
- Young Farmer Loans – Provided to farmers, ranchers and harvesters of aquatic products who are 35 or younger.
- Beginning Farmer Loans – Producers who have been farming, ranching or harvesting aquatic products 10 years or less.
- Small Farmer Loans – Farm, ranch or aquatic harvesting operations that gross less than $350,000 in agricultural sales a year.
First time farmer loans can also give applicants more time to complete the loan process, from inquiry to closing.
For decades, Plains Land Bank has helped young, beginning and small farmers and ranchers succeed. Our loan officers can assist you with a variety of loan types, all with competitive interest rates so you can use available capital to finance your dreams.
How Do I Start a Farm?
You can form a solid foundation with Plains Land Bank thanks to our loan program that makes allowances for your unique circumstances.
First time farmer loans are readily available at each of our branch locations in Amarillo, Pampa, Perryton and Plainview.
Maybe you’re in your first few years as a farmer and funds to purchase land or a farm house are low. Plains Land Bank lenders can help you navigate the best route for your loan needs with several financing options from which to choose.
How Can I Buy a Farm with No Money Down?
If you’re an ag producer that meets YBS criteria, you might also qualify for US Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency joint financing or down payment assistance. FSA loans are available for qualified applicants and can be used to:
- Buy a farm without a down payment
- Finance improvements or an expansion of an existing farm
- Aid beginning farmers and ranchers with a down payment
- Provide funding to small farm operations
Not sure if you qualify? A conversation with one of our loan officers will point you in the right direction.
Interested in a Loan?
Starting the loan application process is simple and can even be done in the comfort of your own home. If you’d like to get a general idea of how your loan might be structured, use our online loan calculator.